Voters in England need to show a valid form of photo ID to vote at polling stations in the following elections:
- General elections
- Local elections
- Combined Authority Mayoral Elections, including the Mayor of Greater Manchester
- Police and Crime Commissioner elections
- UK parliamentary elections and by-elections
- UK-wide national referendums
- Local referendums
- Recall petitions
Visit GOV.UK for information about the photo ID that you need to show.
Voter Authority Certificate
If you're registered to vote but do not have an accepted form of photo ID, you can apply for a Voter Authority Certificate on GOV.UK. This is a free photo ID that you can use to vote in person.
To vote in the General Election on Thursday 4 July 2024 using a Voter Authority Certificate, the Elections Office must have received your application for the Certificate by 5pm on Wednesday 26 June 2024. This is a legal deadline and cannot be changed.
If you need help
The elections team can support you if you:
- need help with applying for a Voter Authority Certificate or want to request an application form. You can request the instructions in large print, braille, or easy read
- have lost or cannot find your photo ID or Voter Authority Certificate on polling day. You can apply for an emergency proxy vote until 5pm on Thursday 4 July 2024
- have been approved for a Voter Authority Certificate by 26 June 2024, but have not yet received your certificate. You can apply for a Temporary Voter Authority Certificate until 5pm on Thursday 4 July 2024
Call our Elections team on 0161 217 6026 or email for help with any of these issues.
Help doing things online
For help doing things online, including registering to vote and applying for Voter Authority Certificates, you can:
- ask at your local library. You can find opening times and locations on our Libraries page
- call the DigiKnow Helpline on 07724 217888
- visit our DigiKnow pages
Proxy, postal or anonymous voting
If you act as a proxy for an elector, you'll need to show your own ID at the polling station. You do not need to provide ID for the person you're acting as a proxy for. You can read about voting by proxy.
You do not need photo ID to submit a postal vote. Read more information and apply to vote by post.
If you're registered to vote anonymously, you'll need to show an Anonymous Elector's Document (AED) to vote at a polling station. This will be the only accepted form of ID for anonymous electors at polling stations.
To apply for an Anonymous Elector’s Document, call our Elections team on 0161 217 6026 or email
More information about Voter ID is available on the Electoral Commission’s website.