People getting more active has a wide range of benefits, we’ve got 5 key outcome areas where we’re making a difference:
Your wellbeing
Moving more leads to better health outcomes, improved mental health and energy levels and lower risk of diseases such as heart disease, stroke and diabetes.
Building movement into your day won’t be the same for everyone. We want you to find a way to move more that suits you. For some it will be small changes such as walking the dog, stretching in the morning, lifting cans of beans, or taking the stairs instead of the lift, it all counts!
Others may want to get involved in the many activities and classes available in their communities and throughout the borough. Whatever you chose we aim to support you.
Individual development
Physical activity helps to develop life skills such as resilience, teamwork, communication, and problem solving.
Stockport SHAPES Alliance is an excellent example of this with their diverse calendar of annual events, interventions and continuing professional development catering to all Stockport schools, including outreach to pupils' families.
Inclusive participation and access
We're working hard to ensure inclusive opportunities to participation in sport and movement. As well as access to facilities based on individual need.
A 'test and learn' approach funded by Sport England for designing activities for children and young people with SEND is happening across the borough, embedding inclusion via workforce development programmes and engaging communities to create activities they want to see. An example is the design of a new SEND family swim session and supported swims at Life Leisure Avondale centre.
Designing moving into our places and spaces helps to improve our everyday lives.
In Stockport, improvements are happening:
- footways are being resurfaced
- improved rights of way
- creation of public squares and walking routes in the town centre as part of the now complete £73m Town Centre Access Plan
- the award of £25m GM Mayor's Challenge Funds to create new walking and cycling schemes across the borough
Working across the system with you and key partners in early years settings, schools, businesses, community providers and the NHS to embed wide ranging support in our communities.
A fantastic illustration of this is the 'That Counts in Brinnington Forum', a focus group made up of residents, Life Leisure, Brinnington Big Local, Transport for Greater Manchester, Seashell and Age UK Stockport. With our support, they're working together to bring about positive change with projects like the 'Brinnington Maps' and regular walking and cycling forums, cycling events and walking groups. The latest addition is a bike repair station located at the Community Hub.