Discretionary Payments for rent

If you're struggling to pay rent, and there are exceptional circumstances causing you difficulties, a Discretionary Housing Payment can be awarded at any time.

Read our Discretionary Support Policy for more information.


If you're awarded a Discretionary Payment, the amount you get will depend on your circumstances. We look at each case individually.

  • we must be satisfied that you're having financial difficulties
  • you need additional help to pay your rent for an address in Stockport
  • you must be getting Housing Benefit or the housing element within your Universal Credit payment
  • you must have a shortfall between the benefit you receive for your rent and your full rent charge
  • we must be satisfied that you've taken all reasonable steps to sort out your financial difficulties yourself

Payments will be made to your rent account, or directly to your bank account via BACS, depending on your circumstances. We cannot pay for services included in your rent or to cover an overpayment or sanction.

We'll look at your household income and expenses

  • whether your expenses are reasonable
  • if you have any savings
  • whether anyone else in the house can help financially
  • if you have any loans or debts, and when these are due to end
  • if you could rearrange your finances to ease the situation
  • if you or your family have any special circumstances. For example; ill health or disability
  • if your circumstances are likely to change in the future

How to apply

To apply for a Discretionary Payment to help with your rent or your Council Tax, complete our online form.

Apply for support


If you do not agree with our decision you can ask us to look at it again, or if you've forgotten to tell us something important when you first applied.

You should write to us straight away giving full reasons why you disagree. A different officer will look at your application and let you know the outcome as soon as possible.