Hiring out horses

You must have a licence if you run a business that hires out horses for riding or riding lessons.

This includes:

  • hiring out horses
  • trekking
  • loan horses
  • pony parties (only where the ponies are ridden)
  • hunter hirelings
  • polo/polocrosse instruction and pony hire
  • pony and donkey rides

If you hire out horses which are not ridden, you may need an animal exhibition licence.

Before making an application you should read through the guidance notes below from DEFRA (the Department for Environment Food and Rural Affairs). The guidance notes provide general and specific licence conditions, and information on how to meet each required standard.

Guidance notes for hiring out horses 2018

PDF, 358 KB

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How to apply

To apply for a licence, you must:

  1. read the guidance notes above
  2. read the conditions for hiring our horses (PDF, 116KB)
  3. download and complete the form below

Hiring out horses licence application

PDF, 138 KB

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There's an application fee which you must be pay when you make your application. You can find full details on our fees page.

How to submit your application and pay

You can submit your application via email to licensing@stockport.gov.uk.

You'll be sent a link to pay the fee online along with confirmation of receipt of the application.

The inspection

Before we grant a licence, we’ll carry out an inspection at your premises to make sure you meet the current requirements. Officers may be accompanied by a vet.

Where the inspection does not meet the current requirements, you’ll be issued with a compliance notice and a revisit will be carried out.

Where the visit does meet the requirements, we’ll determine the application and usually issue a licence with a star rating of up to 5 stars and 3 years in length.