Locally listed buildings

There are 464 buildings of local architectural or historic interest in Stockport.

These buildings are identified and designated by us and are afforded formal recognition in the planning system. Listing helps to make sure that all interested parties are aware of their local importance and merit.

Additions to the local list are being made as part of a local list review. This is being carried out in phases.

Review of locally listed buildings:

  • architectural interest: buildings which are locally or regionally important for the interest of their architectural design, decoration and craftsmanship. They are also important examples of particular building types and techniques, and significant plan forms
  • historic interest: buildings which illustrate important aspects of local or regional social, economic, cultural or military history
  • close historical association with local or regional important people or events
  • group value: especially where buildings comprise an important architectural or historic unity. Or they're a fine example of planning (such as squares, terraces and model villages)

The identification of buildings or groups of buildings of local interest helps to ensure that owners, developers and other interested parties are aware of their local importance and merit. In this way we will seek sensitive treatment where renovations or alterations are proposed. This will be done through the control of development or by giving advice.

We have undertaken comprehensive reviews of the list of buildings of local historic or architectural interest within the following committee areas;

  • Central Stockport
  • Heatons and Reddish
  • Stepping Hill
  • Marple

Future phases of the local list review will focus upon buildings within the following committee areas;

  • Bramhall and Cheadle Hulme South
  • Cheadle
  • Werneth

Full details of all existing local and statutory listed buildings are available to view in the Stockport Historic Environment Database.