Joint Strategic Needs Assessment

The Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA) describes the health, care and wellbeing needs of the population of Stockport. It identifies the priorities for improving health and wellbeing and reducing health inequalities.

The JSNA is used to develop joint health and wellbeing strategies, including the One Stockport Health and Care Plan, and to inform the commissioning of health and care services to meet those needs.

Stockport JSNA was last fully updated in 2016, and a planned update in 2020 was interrupted due to the pandemic. A summary report of the work was produced, which you can find below. We're now working to update the JSNA for 2024 to 2025.

The previous website ( is in the process of being closed, but is still available while work to create a new site is ongoing. However, we can no longer update the old site with our new analysis.

We're therefore publishing the reports which form the 2020 to 2024 Stockport JSNA work here, while we develop a new site. We're working to make sure that the new site and reports will be as accessible as possible.

Visit our Stockport JNSA document page

For more information or comments, you can get in touch by emailing