Hate crime

Hate crimes are acts of violence or hostility directed at people because of who they are or who someone thinks they are.

They can take many different forms:

  • someone may have damaged your property because of the colour of your skin
  • you may have been sent offensive letters because of what you believe
  • someone may have behaved violently towards you because of who you love

No hate crime is acceptable. We all have a right to live without fear, hostility and intimidation from others because of who we are.

Hate crime is any criminal offence which is perceived by the victim or any other person to be motivated by hostility or prejudice based on a person’s characteristic or perceived characteristic:

  • disability
  • race
  • religion or belief
  • sexual orientation
  • trans and gender reassignment
  • alternative sub-culture

Why you should report hate crime

Reporting hate crimes makes a big difference:

  • the police, Stop Hate UK, Stockport Community Safety Partnership and other organisations can take action against the perpetrator, and support victims and witnesses
  • it helps us make local areas safer
  • it helps us understand how hate crime affects your community and how we can tackle the problem

How to report hate crime

Does the hate crime put you, your family or your property in immediate danger?

If yes: phone 999 and ask for the police

If no: contact Stop Hate UK. They'll provide support, listen and explore all options. Call them on their 24 hour helpline. All calls will be treated confidentially:

You can also find a number of other local agencies on the Stop Hate UK website.

Hate Crime Charter

Our Hate Crime Charter shows our commitment to ending hate crime. Our Charter is in line with the Equality Act 2010, and helps us make sure that our partner agencies agree to work together to:

  • put an end to crime and incidents of hate and harassment
  • act in a positive and proactive manner to put an end to discrimination
  • promote equality in Stockport

Read our Hate Crime Charter:

Hate Crime Charter

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For more information visit the Let's End Hate Crime website

You can also read the Greater Manchester Hate Crime Plan 2020 to 2023.