North Park Seniors (The Thursday Club)

About us

  • Location

    Parkside Social Club, Midland Road, Bramhall, SK7 3DT

What we do

Now in our 11th year, our club is for all seniors mainly from North Park, although we are open to seniors living in adjacent areas.

It is run by local seniors from the Bramhall churches and financially supported by Churches Together in Bramhall and Woodford.

We meet at Parkside Social Club on the first Thursday in the month.

As local Christians we share our faith gently without pressure in a Thought for the Day. We welcome Seniors of all faiths and none. We have a varied programme of entertainers including singers, bands, crafts, quizzes and time for a good natter with tea, coffee and cakes. We also go our for a Christmas lunch and a meal out in the Summer.

Contact us

How to find us

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