Mosaic drug and alcohol services
About us
Stockport, SK1 3TA
What we do
We support anyone up to the age of 26 who's experiencing issues with drug or alcohol use.
We also support children and young people affected by a parent or caregiver who is using substances. We work with these parents and carers to help them understand the impact of their drug or alcohol use on their children.
We also provide support to parents or carers of young people who use substances.
You can use our online forms to:
We offer a wide range of therapies including:
- 1:1 working
- group work
- complimentary therapies
- wraparound activities
- peer mentor support
- training and support for schools
There are other services available if you're aged 26 or over and need support with drug or alcohol use.
Volunteering opportunities
Mosaic offer accredited peer mentor training to our volunteers and we are always keen to hear from anyone who is seeking to offer their valuable free time to support our service delivery to young people and their parents or carers.
Get in touch with usContact us
Email -
0161 218 1100
How to find us
For accessible transport options visit our accessible transport page.
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