Friendly Fridays

About us
Rose Walker Centre, Essex Avenue, Stockport, SK3 0JA
What we do
A multi-generational community drop in on Fridays at the Rose Walker Community Centre, Essex Avenue SK3 0LD (where Stockport Road meets St Lesmo Road, straight across down a cobbled street).
Free entry, free drinks and snacks, free lunch (simple crumpets or tea cakes).
Cosy corner for crafters, soft play area for little ones, table top games, books, magazines, arts and crafts. Self serve refreshments area. Everything you would find in a family lounge.
Open to all ages, vulnerable adults and children must be accompanied by a suitable supervising adult. Well attended session around 65 visitors on average per week. No need to book just turn up.
Fully accessible centre with accessibility toilet, loop system and ramps on either side of the centre. Backs immediately on to a public park. Small car park available and bus stops at the top of the road on Stockport Road. Powered by a fully trained leadership team and volunteers (we welcome day - release volunteers and regular volunteers).
Volunteering opportunities
We're looking for volunteers to make brews for attendees, help with set up and put away and supporting activities at the session please email with your interest and we’ll be in contact as soon as possible.
Get in touch with usContact us
0161 429 0490 -
How to find us
For accessible transport options visit our accessible transport page.
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