Toilets may be unavailable during Open+

In some libraries, public toilets and baby changing facilities may be closed during Open+ hours.

Brinnington Library

Group image

About us

  • Location

    First House, Brinnington, Stockport, SK5 8EN

What we do

Stockport Libraries services are free to all, regardless of where you live.

In any Stockport library, you can:

  • use free phones to call the Citizens Advice helpline for Stockport residents
  • use free computers and wifi to get help online
  • ask library staff to help you make an appointment with Citizens Advice
  • get help to scan a QR code and start a WhatsApp chat with Citizens Advice
  • get help to access council services

You'll also find posters and leaflets with information about getting in touch with services who can help you.

Opening hours

Day Opening hours Staffed hours
Monday 8am to 8pm 10am to 4pm
Tuesday 8am to 8pm Midday to 6pm
Wednesday 8am to 8pm Unstaffed
Thursday 8am to 8pm Midday to 6pm
Friday 8am to 8pm 10am to 4pm
Saturday 9am to 5pm 10am to 2pm
Sunday 9am to 4pm Unstaffed

Open Plus

Open+ self-service technology is available in Brinnington Library and allows you to use the library for extra hours each week, outside times when staff are present.

Citizens Advice appointments and drop in session

Citizens Advice hold drop-in sessions at this library.

To book an appointment with Citizens Advice you can:

  • attend one of their drop in sessions where you can get free, impartial and confidential advice
  • contact their advice helpline
  • contact them via WhatsApp

Visit Citizens Advice Stockport.

You'll receive an initial assessment and if needed, an appointment will be booked for you.

Family Hub

This library is a Family Hub which brings together services, organisations and groups that you can access in one place.

Family hubs support families from pregnancy through to young people aged up to 19, or aged up to 25 with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND).


This is a service that lets you upload documents and evidence if we've asked you to send us some documents. We can help you do this. This is useful if you do not have a printer or scanner at home.

Family Hubs

Contact us

How to find us

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