Residents and communities

Climate change is a key issue facing all of our communities as we move towards reaching carbon neutral by 2038. Climate action not only reduces greenhouse gas emissions but can also help to address issues of fuel and food insecurity, accessibility, a changing economy and health and wellbeing.

Through the pandemic and beyond, we've seen the impact that residents and communities in Stockport can have when we work together.

Here are some ways you can get involved:

Apply for community funding

If you're part of a community group, organisation, school or college, you may be eligible to apply for funding to help reduce greenhouse gas emissions and raise awareness about climate change.

There are 2 funding streams open to applications:

Climate Action Now Summit

The CAN summit is an annual event that focuses on:

  • key climate issues in Stockport
  • celebrating amazing community and business climate actions
  • sharing updates on Council progress

Watch videos of previous CAN summits

Stockport Green Network

The Stockport Green Network is a group for people in Stockport who are interested in environment, nature and climate change. It's a partnership of lots of groups, organisations and individuals from across Stockport, along with Sector3 and Stockport Council.

The network meets every 3 months to:

  • learn
  • share ideas
  • connect
  • inspire
  • take action together

Anyone can come along to a meet up to find out more. Contact us to find out the next meeting date.

Co-developing a carbon literacy toolkit with VCFSE organisations

We're working with Sector3 and VCFSE organisations across Stockport to deliver a carbon literacy course that is aimed at our voluntary, community, faith & social enterprise sector. Get in touch with us if you're interested in getting involved.

Enterprise Car Club

Enterprise Car Club is the official car club provider in Stockport, providing sustainable and cost-effective travel for local businesses and residents. Read more information about hiring pay-as-you-go cars and vans.