We're working hard with Transport for Greater Manchester (TFGM) to:
- help reduce air pollution
- tackle climate change
- encourage you to become more active
Part of this approach is to make it easier for you to increase the amount of walking and cycling you do on a daily basis.
Following the launch of TfGM's 'Made to Move' Plan (PDF, 4.03MB), 8 out of 10 residents (about 2.2 million people across Greater Manchester) want cycling and walking to be safer.
Our proposed 'Walk Cycle' schemes will reflect the views of our residents to help make our roads more pleasant places. The schemes will provide new routes for everyone, not just for pedestrians and cyclists.
In March 2019, we declared a climate emergency. More traffic on our roads increases the amount of pollution in the air. Along with the government, we recognise that this needs to be tackled to help stop seriously damaging our residents health. The Greater Manchester Combined Authority has produced the '5-year environment plan' for the region, with the ambition for Greater Manchester to be carbon neutral by 2038.
The 'Keep GM Moving' scheme aims to encourage residents to start moving more and share ways to fit activity into everyday life.