Football pitch application and fees
Football pitch application form
You can use our football pitch application form to apply for a football pitch.
Return completed applications forms to your league. If you do not have a league, post it to the address on the form. We need to receive applications before Monday 8 July 2024.
We cannot guarantee that teams will be offered the pitches that are applied for, even if teams have played there in the past.
There will be no changing facilities at Torkington Park this season.
Fees: season 2024 to 2025
Senior grade A
- pitch only: £533
- pitch and changing facilities: £733
Junior grade A
- pitch only: £265
- pitch and changing facilities: £368
Senior grade B
- pitch only: £480
- pitch and changing facilities: £689
Junior grade B
- pitch only: £241
- pitch and changing facilities: £345
Senior grade C
- pitch only: £428
- pitch and changing facilities: £630
Junior grade C
- pitch only: £211
- pitch and changing facilities: £311
Small sided soccer
- pitch only: £211
- pitch and changing facilities: £311
Senior pitches - one off
- pitch only: £63
- pitch and changing facilities: £85
Junior pitches - one off
- pitch only: £32
- pitch and changing facilities: £41