Fireworks and firework displays

Everyone should be able to enjoy fireworks safely. The best way to do this is to attend an organised display. We do not licence or organise firework displays or bonfires, but if we know about an event we'll include them in our events calendar.

Fireworks and the law

You can find out about the law around buying, carrying and using fireworks on the Greater Manchester Police website.


Many animals find fireworks scary. To find our more about how to keep your pets safe and calm during fireworks visit the RSPCA website.

Staying safe

To find out about the Treacle campaign which gives information and advice on bonfire and firework safety, visit the Greater Manchester Fire and Rescure Service website.

You can also find fireworks safety information on GOV.UK.

Be considerate to others

Fireworks can cause distress to people with Autism, sensory disorders, PTSD and other mental health conditions who are sensitive to noise and light. Young children can also find them startling and upsetting.

Consider buying low noise or silent fireworks and if you can, let your neighbours know about your plan to use fireworks so that they can prepare.

Organise a display in a local park

If you want to organise a display in a local park, you do not need a licence but you must apply to the relevant Local Area committee.

You can visit our webpages to apply and find more information about holding an event in a park.

If you're concerned about a person or retailer selling fireworks to children, you can report this to Trading Standards.