Wraparound childcare

The government’s ambition is for all parents/carers of primary school age children to be able to access term time before and after school (wraparound) childcare in their local area between 8am and 6pm.

The roll out started September 2024, and is to be completed for September 2026.

Wraparound care should be available every school day, before and after school, outside of school hours. It's aimed at helping parents work the hours they want to, with access to regular childcare.

Wraparound provision can be delivered in many ways, including:

  • school based provision delivered by the school
  • school based provision delivered by a private provider
  • off school site provision operated by a private provider
  • childminders who pick up the child up from school, and drop them off at school

You can contact your school to check what's available, or visit the Stockport Childcare Directory.

Depending on your circumstances, you may be able to get support paying for your child's before and after school care. Visit GOV.UK for more information about:

The Wraparound Lead at Stockport Council is Glenda Brocklehurst, who you can contact by emailing eypt@stockport.gov.uk.