Finding and choosing the right care home

Living at home independently

Before thinking about moving into a care home, look at all your options and ask for advice so that you can make the right decision for you.

If living independently at home is becoming more difficult, we can provide advice and support to help you live the life you want.

For example;

  • you may be able to have your home adapted with handrails or stairlifts to make it easier to move around
  • we may be able to provide a daily care and support package to help you do the things you cannot manage for yourself

Visit our support to live independently pages to find advice and information to help you stay living at home.

Moving home

You may not require permanent care in a care home. It may be that your needs could be met in other ways that are less disruptive and less expensive.

For example:

  • moving in with, or nearer to family members
  • moving into a smaller house, flat or bungalow
  • moving into sheltered or extra care housing. These are self-contained flats that enable you to maintain some independence whilst receiving the level of support you need

Visit the Stockport Homes website for more information. They provide a free service for older people living in Stockport.

Moving into residential care

If you think you'd like to move into residential care, it's important that you contact us for an assessment. We can help you think through your options and decide how your needs can best be met.

CareFind is an NHS website that connects you with care homes that have availability and can provide you with the care you need.

The Age UK website has lots of useful information about what to think about when deciding on a care home, and a checklist of things to consider.

NICE have produced a quick guide about what you can expect from a good care home service.

The Care Quality Commission (CQC) is the organisation that regulates all registered residential homes. You can view recent inspection reports for residential homes.

The Independent Age charity offers advice and information on home adaptations, moving home, housing options and how to stay safe at home.