What's on in Stockport
Wednesday 23 October
Thursday 24 October
Friday 25 October
The Work Shop: supporting Stockport businesses
DigiKnow computer class, Woodley
MadLab presents: Making Tinkerbots - Build your own Robot
DigiKnow computer class, Woodley
Meno walk and talk
MadLab presents: Making Tinkerbots - Build your own Robot
MadLab presents: Making Tinkerbots - Build your own Robot
MadLab presents: Making Tinkerbots - Build your own Robot
Pineapple Friday - Monopoly games night
Monday 28 October
Tuesday 29 October
Wednesday 30 October
Cultures Together
Woodbank Wanderers
Line dancing: Beginner level
Group financial coaching
Welcome Wednesdays care drop-in
Line dancing: Intermediate level
Ballroom, Latin and Sequence dance class: Improver level
Revolution Dance Partner dance classes
Ballroom, Latin and Sequence dance class: Intermediate level
Grove Badminton Club
Sequence Dancing
Thursday 31 October
Friday 01 November
Monday 04 November
Tuesday 05 November
Wednesday 06 November
Cultures Together
Woodbank Wanderers
Line dancing: Beginner level
Group financial coaching
Welcome Wednesdays care drop-in
Line dancing: Intermediate level
Ballroom, Latin and Sequence dance class: Improver level
Revolution Dance Partner dance classes
Ballroom, Latin and Sequence dance class: Intermediate level
View 12 events per page
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