Heatons’ Men in Sheds

Details box

  • Date and time

    Wednesday 27 September 2023 7:00pm - 9:00pm
  • Price

  • Location

    Undercroft at St Pauls Church, St. Paul's Road, Heaton Moor, SK4 4RY
  • Submitted by

    Heatons' Men in Sheds


Heatons’ Men in Sheds (HMIS) is a voluntary group that provides a space where people can socialise, work together, learn new skills, and share their own skills.

We have many interests from woodworking, community gardening, photography, repairing electronics, learning basic to advanced computer skills, and general restoration. At meetings, we chat and work on projects that benefit the community (such as making signs, planters and benches for green spaces and shopping areas). Some members just come for a cup of tea and a talk, and others get involved in the activities.

We are based in the Heatons but have members from all over Stockport. New members are always welcome, whatever your skills, and even if you don’t identify as a man! Come along to the next meeting to get to know us and see us in action.

You can just drop in, or get in touch by emailing heatonsmis@outlook.com or calling Terry on 07905 759 003.

You can also visit the website or visit the Facebook page.
