Our equality objectives 2023 to 2027

Equality Objective 1: Stockport is a Fair and Inclusive Borough

A Borough for everyone where diversity and inclusion is celebrated, and everyone has equity of opportunity

The action we will take:

  • work across anchor organisations in Stockport to tackle inequalities and promote inclusion
  • capture the lived experiences of communities, particularly those where there is evidence of inequality, to inform a co-developed set of cross-borough equality objectives with a robust action plan to address discrimination and inequality across Stockport
  • further develop equality and diversity networks and link them into decision-makers and equality impact considerations
  • celebrate our diversity and make Stockport somewhere we are all proud to live and work

How we will measure success:

  • improved health, educational and employment outcomes for marginalised groups including those living in deprived neighbourhoods
  • positive engagement between the council and EDI community networks resulting in our policies and practice changing
  • increased engagement and attendance to visibly celebrate key dates and events that encompasses diversity and inclusivity

Equality Objective 2: To support all staff to achieve their full potential and ensure that our workforce reflects the communities we serve.

We know that diversity makes us stronger. It helps us to understand different perspectives and support our local communities better. Having an inclusive culture benefits all of us working in Stockport Council. We want to create opportunities for everyone in a workplace where everyone can be themselves; where all colleagues are respected and treated fairly; where diversity is celebrated; and where everyone, regardless of background, can reach their full potential.

The action we will take:

  • embed our values into the organisation and celebrate diversity across our workforce
  • work with employee networks to shape our equalities priorities and approach for example by establishing a reverse mentoring project, and introducing Inclusion Passports for our staff
  • strengthen our data and intelligence through regular reporting and undertake deep dives including on pay gaps
  • undertake focused development on equalities with the Senior Leadership Group and build into the Leading Stockport programme
  • review and redesign our recruitment training and practice for example by having better Equality Diversity and Inclusion training and more diverse recruitment panels
  • outreach and targeted employment programmes to ensure our workforce is more reflective of our diverse local communities
  • regular reviews of HR case management practice and outcomes through an equalities lens
  • strengthen and support employee networks and continue to develop further networks
  • bring in external expertise to challenge and support our approach to equalities

How we will measure success

  • improved staff survey results including an increased sense of safety and satisfaction for equality groups
  • understanding our workforce profile across the organisation
  • increase in recording of all protected characteristics for our workforce
  • increased representation of diverse employees at all levels, including at management grades
  • increase compliance in training and seeking qualitative feedback to improve
  • increase in successful applicants from members of protected characteristic groups where there is evidence of disadvantage
  • improved outcomes of targeted employment schemes for example: Kick starters
  • increased attendance, visibility and efficacy of our employee networks – including case studies of networks influencing change in the organisation

Equality Objective 3: To understand our diverse communities and their specific needs

We want to improve the way we get to know our communities and the people who are using our services and engaging with us. We want to use both quantitative and qualitative data to understand better who is using our services and how diverse communities engage with the council. Improved information on equalities will help us understand how what we do affects equality in Stockport, allowing us to develop an equity-based approach to our service delivery and improve equality outcomes.

The action we will take:

  • use the 2021 census data to understand the demographics of our diverse communities
  • use quantitative data from our services to understand who is not using our services and seek ways to understand why
  • increase channels for residents’ voices to be heard in order for lived experience as a form of qualitative evidence to inform our service delivery

How we will measure success:

  • implications of the 2021 census for our baseline data on equalities is well understood across the council and our partners
  • services regularly analyse their equalities data and take action as a result
  • our consultation and engagement processes regularly include the lived experience of our residents

Equality Objective 4: To address inequality in our services

We know that some groups of people experience poorer life chances than others and that some identities can be a significant factor in determining outcomes, opportunities and wellbeing. At a local and national level there are areas of persistent inequality which remain a considerable challenge. We will continue to focus on ensuring that everyone can access appropriate services and support.

The action we will take:

  • using the data we have as a guide, adapt our services to respond to where there are gaps in people accessing our services
  • strengthen partnerships with our Voluntary Community Faith Sector Enterprise sector including community based equalities networks
  • work with specialist providers and other partner agencies across the Borough such as The Hate Crime Partnership to promote fair and inclusive Stockport

How we will measure success:

  • an increase in marginalised groups including those living in deprived neighbourhoods accessing key services in health, education and employment
  • increased social investment in Stockport through embedding social value approaches including: corporate social responsibility, charitable giving, and grant investments
  • an increase in strong and vibrant community based equality organisations