Support for young autistic jobseekers

Below is a list of organisations that can help you if you're a young autistic person looking for work.

The Autism Education Trust

If you're a young person seeking employment for the first time, you can find useful advice in the Autism Education Trust's transition to employment toolkit.

Supported internships

Choices College and the Trafford College Group both offer supported work experience opportunities for young autistic people.

Choices College

Choices College is a specialist college providing personalised educational support. They offer a supported internship course for young adults aged 16 to 24 with learning difficulties and/or disabilities, and/or autism.

They provide supported work environments so that you can get real work experience in:

  • NHS healthcare settings
  • local organisations
  • private businesses

Visit the Choices College website to find out more about the application process.

The Trafford College Group

The Trafford College Group offers pre-employment programmes in partnership with:

  • Pure Innovations
  • Trafford General Hospital
  • Trafford Council
  • Stepping Hill Hospital

They provide unique opportunities for students with learning difficulties and/or disabilities to enhance their employment skills in a real working environment.

Visit the Trafford College Group website to view the requirements and apply.