
Elective Home Education (EHE) is a term used by the Department for Education to describe parents/carers' decisions to provide education for their children at home instead of school.

Home education is different to home tuition provided by a local authority or education provided by a local authority other than at school.

The responsibility for a child's education rests with their parents/carers. In England, whilst education is compulsory, school is not. The Education Act 1996 states that:

"The parent [or carer] of every child of compulsory school age shall cause [them] to receive efficient full-time education suitable—

  • to [their] age, ability and aptitude, and
  • to any special educational needs... [they] may have,

either by regular attendance at school or otherwise."

Pressure should never be put on you as parents/carers, by a school, to remove your child from a school to avoid formal exclusion, or because your child is having difficulty with learning, behaviour or attendance. If pressure of this sort is put on you by your child’s school, you should inform the local authority’s Elective Home Education Team.

If you're working with other Stockport Family Services such as Family Help or Children’s Social Care, speak with your worker before you make any decisions. In some cases, an assessment for EHE suitability may be needed.

Children whose parents/carers choose to educate them at home are not registered at:

  • mainstream schools
  • special schools
  • independent schools
  • academies
  • Pupil Referral Units
  • colleges
  • children's homes with education facilities or education facilities provided by independent fostering agencies

Some parents/carers may choose to engage private tutors or other adults to assist them in providing a suitable education. However, there is no requirement for them to do so. The responsibility to ensure that tutors/teachers are suitably qualified and have the required Criminal Records Bureau (CRB) checks rests with parents.

Parents/carers who choose to educate their children at home assume financial responsibilities for their children's education. This includes bearing the cost of any public examination and assessment of work by an accredited person.

Families who educate their children at home still have the same access to Stockport Family and school nurse services. Information about these services is sent out during the year.

If you decide to electively home educate your child, you'll have access to an EHE Officer and they will contact you yearly to check on the suitability of the education provided.