Stockport Economic Overview 2024
You can visit Tableau Public to find a detailed and up-to-date overview of Stockport’s economy.
The site is updated as new data is released, and you can use the tabs at the top of the page to find information on:
- population
- employment
- unemployment
- economy
- enterprise
- skills
You'll also find a selection of tables and charts that can be scrutinised further to indicate data trends over a period of time.
Economic facts snapshot (2024)
- 299,545 people live in Stockport, of which 60.7% are of working age (between 16 and 64 years)
- 79.1% (140,800) of Stockport’s working age population are economically active, above the averages of Greater Manchester, the North West and England
- 137,900 people work within Stockport’s businesses
- almost 14,000 businesses operate in Stockport
- average workforce based earnings are £32,908, whilst residence based earnings average £37,390
- 46.7% of Stockport’s residents are qualified to NVQ level 4 or above
- Stockport’s most significant business sectors include:
- professional, scientific and technical
- health and social work
- admin and support services
- wholesale and retail
- manufacturing
You can find more facts about Stockport on the Big Stockport Picture website.