About the Early Help Assessment (EHA)

The Early Help Assessment (EHA) is replacing the Common Assessment Framework (CAF)

For many years the CAF has been been used to identify additional needs and support for children and families.

In August 2016, the Stockport Family EHA was introduced to replace the CAF. It:

  • assesses the whole family situation
  • helps to identify the needs of the children and adults in the family

It's a shared, strengths based tool that can be used by all practitioners to provide a co-ordinated response so that families receive the support they need.

The assessment aims to:

  • be family and child friendly
  • promote a conversation with families
  • focus on what the family want to achieve
  • allow the family to decide which areas they need support with and where they may be struggling

EHA principles remain the same:

  • a consent based process
  • an assessment should be completed with the child and family
  • the assessment should be of strengths and needs
  • a support plan should be developed with the family and all agencies involved and regularly reviewed