How you can use your money

You can be flexible in how you use your Direct Payment and your Care and Support Plan will include details of how you would like to use this funding.

The things that you choose to spend the funding on must meet your assessed care and support needs. This has to be agreed with your caseworker before the Direct Payment is set up, this could be your Social Worker or NHS Nurse Assessor or EHC Coordinator.

Visit our webpage to find examples of what you can and cannot spend your Direct Payment on.

Working out how you will use your Direct Payment

Your caseworker will talk to you about how much support you may need and will work out how much funding there is for your care.

A Care and Support Plan will then be put together which will include details of how the Direct Payment can be spent. You can choose to write this yourself, or have help to do this.

Before the Direct Payment starts you, or your representative, will sign a Direct Payment Agreement, which says that you will only use the funding as agreed in your Care and Support Plan.