Section 80 of the Act states that anyone intending to demolish a building must give notice to the local authority. They must also send copies of the notice to the utility services (gas, water and electricity). As well as adjoining owners and/or occupiers.
A standard form of notification is enclosed for your convenience. Download the notice to local authority of intended demolition (PDF 26Kb).
On receipt of all relevant documents we have the statutory period of six weeks to issue the demolition notice. However we will aim to do this within four weeks or earlier.
Copies of the notice will also be sent to the utility services (gas, water and electricity). It will also be sent to adjoining owners/occupiers as required by the Act.
Attention is drawn to the Construction Design and Management Regulations 2015 that apply to all demolition works.
For more information on demolitions and building control you can email
The telephone line is available all day Wednesday and Thursday and Friday morning.