Contact us

Do it online

Online self service is often the fastest and easiest way to access the council.

The list below is in alphabetical order of our services. To get the right support for you, find the service you need in the list and use the forms and contact information provided.

Use the links below to make payments, report issues, make applications and find information about our services.

Other online services

Bins and recycling




Further information

Contact us about bins and recycling

This line covers services such as waste/bin collection, fly tipping, street cleansing, street lighting, parks and greenspace, roads, flooding and parking. Most of these services can be accessed online or you can call us on 0161 217 6111.

Children's services

Please see Stockport Family below.


Further information

Contact us about:

Pest control

Phone: 0161 217 6017

Street cleansing

This line covers services such as waste/bin collection, fly tipping, street cleansing, street lighting, parks and greenspace, highways, flooding and parking.
Phone: 0161 217 6111

Environmental Health and Dog Warden

This line covers services such as taxi licensing, noise complaints, Environmental Health and the dog warden service.

Opening hours:
Monday to Thursday: 9am to 5pm
Friday: 9am to 4:30pm
Phone: 0161 474 4181

Other services

We deliver hundreds of services across the council. If you cannot find the number you're looking for, use the search on this website to find the service as most pages have contact details listed.
Alternatively, call our switchboard on 0161 474 4949:

Opening hours:
Monday to Thursday: 8.30am to 5pm
Friday: 8:30am to 4:30pm