Comments, compliments and complaints about adult social care

Comments and compliments

We continually monitor the quality of the adult social care services we provide and it's important for us to know about things that are going well or how services can be improved.

It's also good to be able to give our staff positive feedback.

If you'd like to make a comment or compliment you can email


If you have a complaint tell someone you know from the service as soon as possible. They'll try to find a solution to the problem or issue for you.

If they cannot find a solution, or you do not feel your complaint can be resolved by the service, contact our Complaints Service.

You can make a complaint if:

  • you're a user of our adult social care services or you feel you have a right to our services
  • if you're a relative, friend or representative acting on a service user’s behalf

If you'd like to make a complaint:

call: 0161 474 4599

The Adult Social Care Complaints Policy and Procedure (PDF 203Kb) describes how complaints are handled under the relevant statutory process.

We investigate adult social care complaints under a one-stage process. You can expect to receive a response within 20 working days, telling you what action has/will be taken as a result of the investigation. If there are any delays in this process we'll keep you informed.

If you remain unhappy following our response to your complaint, you can contact the Local Government Ombudsman.

Acting on behalf of a service user

If you're a relative, friend or representative you can complain on behalf of a service user or carer. You should inform the service user or carer before making a complaint on their behalf.

Our Complaints Service will always check if consent has been given where the complaint is not received directly from the service user.

Raise a quality issue or concern about a care provider

Find out how to raise a quality issue or concern about a care provider.