Cheadle Town Investment Plan

The Cheadle Town Investment Plan was submitted to government on the 30 October 2020 by the Cheadle Towns Fund Board.

The Investment Plan was approved in principle in March 2021 with an allocation of up to £13.9 million towards the following:

  1. a new single platform rail station joining Cheadle to the wider public transport network, transforming accessibility to Stockport Town Centre and beyond
  2. comprehensive active travel proposals which include a network of new cycleways to link together residential, employment and transport destinations. Promoting health and reducing local congestion
  3. an innovative state of the art low carbon eco business park that will act as an exemplar for low carbon technologies and clean energy production. The eco business park will cluster businesses, accelerating the clean business sector

In July 2021 formal approval was received from the government to progress detailed business cases for the above projects, along with further public consultation. These business cases were approved in July 2022.