How your application is considered
If your child has a Education, Health and Care Plan, you should email
Where an application for a secondary school place triggers the in-year Fair Access Protocol, the headteacher of your requested school will ask the School Places, Admissions and Transport Team to refer your application to Stockport’s Fair Access Panel to be considered under Stockport’s Fair Access Protocol.
Application for school places will not be considered when the date the place is required from is more than two months from the date of the application. For example, applying in January but not requiring the place until May.
All other applications will be considered using the oversubscription criteria for the school requested.
- all preferences for maintained schools will be treated equally as if they were all 1st preferences
- all applications will be considered on the basis of the Published Admission Number of the school, the number of pupils on roll and the effect an unplanned admission would have on the provision of efficient education and use of resources at the school. Parental and pupil circumstances will be taken into account in line with the school's oversubscription criteria
- if there are multiple in-year applicants for the same school year and there are insufficient places to satisfy all requests, the oversubscription criteria, policy and procedures contained in the authority's admissions policy document will be applied
If more than one school place is offered, the single offer will be for the school the parent has ranked the highest.
If it's not possible to offer a preferred school place to a pupil resident in Stockport, a place at the nearest available school will be offered. In the case of infant aged children who move into the catchment area of a school which is full, we'll identify a school place within a two mile distance from the child's home.
If a place at the preferred school is refused, parents are advised of their right to appeal to the Independent Appeal Panel. This won't be advised if an appeal has already been heard for the same child and school within the same academic year.