Register a new business or tell us your business has moved

You'll need to let us know if:

  • your business has moved into Stockport
  • you've moved premises within Stockport
  • you've moved your business out of Stockport

Email the business rates team on

If you're moving into a new business premises within Stockport you'll need to include:

  • the date your lease or tenancy agreement starts
  • your landlord’s name
  • the date you occupied the property, or plan to occupy it
  • whether the business premises you occupy are the only premises you occupy in England
  • the date you vacated any previous premises
  • the date any lease of tenancy agreement is due to end at your previous premises

If you're moving premises within Stockport, or moving your business out of Stockport, you'll need to include:

  • your business rates reference number. You can find this on your business rates bill. It's 10 characters long and starts with '9'. You must put this in the subject field of the email

You can also call the Business Rates on 0161 474 5188.

How we use your data

We primarily use your data for processing your report, this may be shared with the local authorities, DWP, and other government departments in accordance with our organisational privacy notice. We never sell your data to third parties or use it to market to you without your consent.