Special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) offer

Year 11

Stockport Family's Education and Careers Advice Service (ECAS) provide targeted, impartial careers information, advice and guidance for all young people who:

  • are educated in Stockport mainstream schools and Pupil Referral Units (PRUs).
  • have an education, health and care plan (EHCP) and receive SEND Support

This support continues throughout the academic year and during transition into further education or training.


All young people aged 16 to 25 with an EHCP and who are not in education, employment or training (NEET) are allocated to an ECAS careers adviser for ongoing support. The role of the careers adviser is to explore mainstream education opportunities with young people to help make informed decisions appropriate to their needs.

ECAS confirm, annually, the destinations of all young people aged 16 to 25 with an EHCP. ECAS offer ongoing careers guidance if the young person is no longer in education and looking for mainstream provision.

For non-mainstream, specialist support please email the SEND team: ehcp.sfyp@stockport.gov.uk