You're an eligible care leaver if:
- you're currently looked after; and
- aged 16 or 17; and
- you've been looked after for a period of 13 weeks, or periods amounting to 13 weeks, which began after you reached the age of 14 and ended after you reached the age of 16
You're a relevant care leaver if:
- you're no longer being looked after by the council but you've been 'eligible'; and
- aged 16 or 17 years old
- immediately before being detained or in hospital you were 'eligible' or
- lived for a continuous period of 6 months or more with a parent, someone with parental responsibility and where those arrangements broke down
You're a former relevant care leaver if:
- you're aged between 18 and 25 years and were a 'relevant' or 'eligible' child before turning 18 years old
- if your case was closed, in agreement with yourself, between the ages of 21 and 25 years and you want to have your case re-opened
- if you're in an agreed programme of education or training that ends after your 25th birthday
You're a qualifying care leaver if:
- you're at least 16 years old but under 21 years old and:
- you were looked after immediately prior to the making of a special guardianship order which was in force when you reached 18 years old; or
- if at any time after you reached the age of 16 you're no longer looked after, accommodated or fostered; or
- you were privately fostered and assessed to be in need
- as a qualifying care leaver you're able to access advice and assistance based on a needs assessment completed by the Leaving Care Team