Education, Employment and Training (EET)
If you're in EET as a looked after child, you'll have a Young People’s Education, Careers and Advice Worker (ECAW) and a personal education plan. These will be regularly reviewed to meet your needs, and your pathway plan will be updated at least every 6 months. As a care leaver you'll have the support of a specialist ECAW up to the age of 25 years. They are based in the Leaving Care Team.
Eligible, relevant or former relevant care leaver
As an eligible, relevant or former relevant care leaver you may also be able to get financial support from the 16 to 19 bursary which is guaranteed for care leavers aged 16 to 19. The bursary is £1200 a year direct from your school, further education college or learning provider. Discretionary learner support can support older students. With your permission, we'll confirm your care leaver status with your education or training provider. You may wish to talk to your school, college or learning provider to find out more. We'll further support you with essential books or equipment to support you to complete your course.
Financial support
If you're in full time further education, your Social Worker or Personal Adviser will assist you to claim benefits You'll need to provide confirmation of your attendance from your education provider.
If you're attending university
As a former relevant care leaver, you'll receive 52 weeks support with accommodation costs at affordable rent rate and £2000 higher education bursary per course.
As a qualifying care leaver, you'll receive support with non-term time accommodation at £100 per week and a £2000 higher education bursary per course.
You can speak your personal adviser if you need help towards the cost of essential books and specialist equipment or materials for your course.
On graduation, you'll receive a graduation gift of £100.
This support is also extended to postgraduate courses.
Additional needs
If you have additional needs and have an education, health and care plan this will continue to be reviewed annually and inform your pathway plan.
If you require a laptop or specific equipment and materials then this should be recorded as a need in your plan. Your Social Worker or Personal Adviser will then be able to request this support for you. Any specific requests will be considered on an individual basis.