Find services A-Z

Taxi licensing

Find information on how to apply for driver and vehicle licences and passenger information.

Telecare: monitoring and alerts

Telecare monitors you to make sure you're safe, and alerts someone if you've had an accident or if there's something wrong.

Tell us about any concerns about a child

The MASSH is the single point of contact for all professionals to report concerns, request advice and share information about a child and or family.

The Stockport Council Plan

Our Council Plan 2024 to 2027 describes the key role we play in supporting the borough, providing and delivering efficient and effective services for everyday life

The Stockport Review

'The Stockport Review' is the council's annual publication for residents.

Tips and recycling centres

Find locations and opening times for the household waste recycling centres in Stockport.

Town centre

Find information on Stockport's managed sites, business grant schemes and partnerships.

Trading Standards

Including Trading Standards, Citizens Advice Consumer Service and Trading Standards advice for businesses.

Trading Standards for businesses

Information and advice on complying with Trading Standards legislation if you're a business in Stockport.

Training and Skills

Information including job vacancies, apprenticeships and help finding work.


Stockport Council is committed to becoming as transparent as possible.

Transport and environment

Find information and apply for transport and environment licences.

Transportation Policy

Find information about the Transportation Policy in Stockport.


Information on public transport and travelling in Stockport.

Travel passes and permits

Find out if you're eligible for a range of travel passes and permits to help make travel easier.

Travel support

Information about free travel and travel assistance for children and young people with SEND, including eligibility and how to apply.

Travelling to school

Information about discounted and free school travel and how to apply.

Tree preservation

Find information about how we protect trees and request a Tree Preservation Order online.

Trees, grass and weeds

Report issues with trees, vegetation or damaged grass verges online and find local Tree Protection Orders.

Types of fostering

There are several different types of fostering, ranging from short term and long term to specialist fostering.