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Land ownership map

Search by street or postcode to find Stockport Council land ownership or interest in Stockport.

Leaving care local offer and entitlements

We know that moving into adulthood is a big step and we want to make sure that you feel supported. Find out what support is available to you as a care leaver.

LED street lighting

Find out more about LED street lighting in your area.

Leisure centres map

Use our online map to find public leisure centres in Stockport.

Leisure, parks and attractions

Find information about parks, museums, tourist information and sports in Stockport.


Find out where your local library is in Stockport, what services they offer and how to join.


Information about registering your business in Stockport and how to apply for various operating licences.

Licensing Act 2003

Find information on the Licensing Act 2003 including applications, representations and responsible authorities.

Local government elections 2021

Local government elections were held on Thursday 6 May 2021 in Stockport.

Local government elections 2023

Local government elections were held on Thursday 4 May 2023 in Stockport.

Local Heritage Library

Find a wealth of information about Stockport's past or your own family history.

Local Housing Allowance

Local Housing Allowance is the way we work out Housing Benefit for tenants renting from a private landlord.

Local Land Charges Search

Find out how to submit a local land charge search.

Location Stockport

Information about the economy, business premises and the benefits of Stockport.

Look for, reserve or renew an item

Renew your current rentals, find your next book and get eBooks and audiobooks online.

Looked after child - placement or discharge notification

Use our online forms to notify Stockport Council about the placement or discharge of a Looked After Child.