Find services A-Z

Early Years and Childcare

Finding childcare and help with costs, including free childcare for 2-year-olds and funded childcare for 3 and 4-year-olds. Also includes information for providers.

Education for sick children

Information about the education of pupils who can't attend school due to medical reasons.

Education penalty notices

Fixed education penalty notices aim to reduce the levels of unauthorised absence from schools.

Educational activities

Resources and activities for children and young people, including competitions and awards.


Including register to vote, different ways of voting and election results.

Empty properties

Find out if a Council Tax reduction is available on an empty property.

Energy efficiency

Find out how to make your home energy efficient and find help if you're having trouble keeping up with the costs of the fuel bills.

Engineering Services

Engineering Services undertakes the design and construction of highways.

Equality and Diversity

Our vision statement on diversity and equality is to "promote equal life outcomes for all by tackling known inequalities across the borough of Stockport".

Equipment, adaptations and support with sensory loss

Find out about the equipment and adaptations we offer to help you live safely and independently in your own home.

Ethnic Diversity Service

Find information about how the Ethnic Diversity Service work in partnership with schools.

Ethnic Minority Achievement team

The team is made up specialist teachers and bilingual teaching assistants working in schools in Stockport.


Our approach to protecting and supporting people at risk from radicalisation and extremism.