Find services A-Z
Calculating business rates
Find out how your business rates are calculated.
Care Leavers - 16 to 18 years
Information to help young people aged 16 to 18 prepare for leaving care in Stockport.
Care Leavers - 18 to 20 years
Information to help young people with independent living and getting use to new responsibilities.
Care Leavers - Over 21 years
Find out about the further support we offer to all care leavers up to the age of 25 years.
Careers information, advice and guidance
Independent careers information, advice and guidance for young people in Stockport.
Careers with us
Find out more about careers and roles in our services.
Catchment school
Find your school catchment area in Stockport.
CCTV in Stockport
Find the locations of cameras, how to request footage and other useful information.
Find cemeteries sites in Stockport and information about booking a burial or cremation.
Child placement or discharge
Use our online forms to notify Stockport Council about the placement or discharge of a Looked After Child.
Child placement or discharge
Use our online forms to notify Stockport Council about the placement or discharge of a Looked After Child.
Child safety
Report a concern about a child and find safeguarding information for children in entertainment and employment.
Finding childcare and help with costs, including funded childcare for 2, 3 and 4-year-olds. Also includes information for providers.
Childcare and parenting
Information for parents including school term dates, Children's Centre locations and educational activities.
Children missing from care
Report a child missing from foster care, supported accommodation provider or a residential home. Tell us about a child who has returned to care.
Choosing somewhere to live
Advice and information if you or someone you care for is thinking about moving to a care home or supported housing.
Citizenship ceremonies
If you've been granted British citizenship, you must attend a Citizenship Ceremony.
Climate Action Now progress
Climate Action Now Annual Reports on our progress and contributions to reach net zero.
Climate change
How we're tackling the causes of climate change in Stockport.
Closures to schools
Find the latest updates on school closures and disruptions in Stockport.
Collections for charity
Information on applying for street collection and house to house collection licences.
Combined Authority Mayoral Election 2021
A Greater Manchester Mayoral Election was held on Thursday 6 May 2021 in Stockport.
Comments, compliments and complaints about children's social care
Find information, advice and support about giving a compliment or making a complaint about children's social care.
Common pests
Find information about common pests and how to identify them.
Community buildings
Community buildings available to the public for various activities and functions.
Community Reserve Volunteer initiative
When a crisis hits, people like you can help so sign up today to be ready to help those near you.
Community Right to Bid
The Community Right to Bid (‘the Right’), which is also known as Assets of Community Value, is one of the community rights derived from the Localism Act, 2012.
Community toilets scheme
This scheme provides members of the public with clean, safe and accessible toilets throughout Stockport.
Completed conservation projects
View the completed projects that have made significant contributions to the local environment.
Completed projects
Find previous completed improvement projects.
Compliments, complaints and feedback
Find out more and information about giving feedback, a compliment or making a formal complaint to the council.
Con29R map
We provide free access to the raw digital map data that will enable members of the public and private bodies to determine the answers to the Con29R Questions listed on our map.
Concerns about a child
The MASSH is the single point of contact for all professionals to report concerns, request advice and share information about a child and or family.
Concessionary travel passes
The concessionary travel pass provides free or reduced fares on buses, trains and trams within Greater Manchester and the rest of England.
Conservation and heritage
Information about listed buildings, conservation areas and conservation led regeneration projects.
Conservation areas
Find out about conservation areas in Stockport and Article 4 Directions.
Conservation projects
Find out about conservation-led regeneration projects which are enhancing and protecting historic buildings and areas in Stockport.
Consultation with the people of Stockport lies at the heart of how we work.
Contacting the MASSH
The MASSH is the single point of contact for all professionals to report concerns, request advice and share information about a child and or family.
Copy certificates
Apply for copies of birth, death, marriages and civil partnership certificates that occurred in Stockport.
Coronavirus (COVID-19)
Information about coronavirus including vaccinations and cases in Stockport.
HM Coroner holds office under the Crown and is an independent judicial officer for the jurisdiction of Stockport, Trafford and Tameside.
Coroners Manchester South
HM Coroner holds office under the Crown and is an independent judicial officer for the jurisdiction of Stockport, Trafford and Tameside.
Corporate Procurement
Find information about the council’s procurement and invoicing process and how to get involved.
Cost of living support
Access help and support for cost of living, including food, energy bills and fuel, money and our helpline.
Council land and assets map
Search by street or postcode to find Stockport Council land ownership or interest in Stockport.
Council Tax
Council Tax charges and property bands, ways to reduce your Council Tax, ways to pay your Council Tax, and what happens if you can't pay.
Council Tax appeals
Find out how to appeal your Council Tax bill or band.
Council Tax bands
Find out which Council Tax band your property is in and how much you have to pay.
Credit Union
Stockport Credit Union is a social enterprise financial co-operative that provides affordable financial services to people who live or work in Stockport.
Crime prevention and safety
Report antisocial behaviour, find public safety information and view CCTV locations in Stockport.
Current planning policies
Find out more about the planning policies used to manage development in Stockport.
Custom Build
We're developing a register of people who express an interest in buying serviced plots of land to build their own home.
Cycle groups, routes and other useful information for cyclists in Stockport.
Cycling and walking in Stockport
Information about cycling and walking Stockport, including routes and public rights of way.
Cycling in Stockport
Find information about cycling in Stockport, including cycle routes, parking and training.