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Abandoned vehicles
If you believe that a car, van or any other vehicle has been abandoned, you can report it to us.
About our website
Find information about our website, including our accessibility statement, cookies and our live chat service.
About your Vote
Find information about the different ways of voting and how to amend your details on the Electoral Register.
Accessibility statement
We want everyone who visits the Stockport Council website to feel welcome and find the experience rewarding.
Admissions - Nursery and School
Find information about applying for a maintained nursery, primary and secondary school place.
Find out about the new adoption service Adoption Counts.
Adult social care
Information about the range of social care services available for adults in Stockport.
Age Friendly Stockport
We've developed an Ageing Well strategy with partners across the council, health services, the third sector and local residents.
Alley gating
Information about keys and issues with alley gates.
Find information, locations and contact details for over 30 allotment sites in Stockport.
Animal welfare
Our Trading Standards team promote animal welfare in Stockport. Find more information and advice here.
Find information about fees and application processes for various animal licences.
Antisocial behaviour
Help us to control antisocial behaviour and crime in Stockport by reporting it to us online.
Appeal your Council Tax bill or band
Find out how to appeal your Council Tax bill or band.
Information about the process for admissions, social services and planning appeals.
Appeals and reviews
Find information about the process for making admission appeals, transport appeals and exclusion reviews.
Armed Forces Covenant
Find information about help and support available in Stockport for current and former service men and women and their families.
Attendance at school
Information about how we manage children's attendance in schools and the prosecutions for non-attendance.