Right to Buy
The Right to Buy scheme is aimed at secure tenants of local authorities and those assured tenants of registered housing associations who previously held secure tenancies with local authorities.
If you're a secure tenant and have been a public sector tenant for more than 2 years, or 5 years in the case of new public sector tenants who take up their tenancies after the 18 January 2005, you may be eligible to purchase your property at a discounted price.
Where a property has been sold under the Right to Buy, the council does not retain the title deeds. If you've bought your property with a mortgage or loan, the deeds will be retained by your lender.
Think carefully before purchasing a property as your rent includes things like buildings insurance and a free repairs service. If you buy your home you would have to pay for these things yourself.
Tenants looking to exercise the Right to Buy will find useful advice on the Right to Buy website.