Primary school policies
Stockport has 84 primary schools and at least 20 have different admission arrangements. It's advised that you understand the admission arrangements for the schools you intend to apply for.
Each school has a dedicated page in our guide to applying for a primary school, which you should read before making your application. You can find the guide, along with all the information you need about admission policies, on our school admissions document page.
Infant class size regulations
Infant class size regulations 2012 limit infant aged classes (Reception, Year 1 and Year 2) to 30 pupils per qualified class teacher. The majority of primary schools in Stockport have admission limits (Published Admissions Numbers) that are compatible with this law. For example; multiples of 30 per qualified class teacher.
If you're refused a school place and you appeal the decision, you should be aware the threshold for infant classes is high. There are very few appeals that are successful. You can find more information in the documents below.