Nursery policies
Where there are more applications for a nursery than there are places available, oversubscription criteria is used to determine which children can be offered places. Each application can fall into one category only. You can find more information by viewing the published admission numbers (PDF 70Kb)
There are 5 categories of oversubscription criteria from A to E. Category A and B are Priority Criteria categories. Places will be allocated to children in category order starting with A, followed by category B and so on until the limit is reached. If there are more applications than places available in any one category then places are allocated to those living closest to the nursery school / class, using a straight-line measurement.
Categories and criteria
If there are more applications than places available in any one category then places are allocated to those living closest to the nursery school or class, using a straight line measurement.
After placement of pupils who have an Education, Health and Care (EHC) Plan which names the school, places will be allocated in the following order up to the Published Admission Number (PAN) of the school or class:
A: Looked after children and previously looked after children
B: Children considered to have ‘highly exceptional medical/social reasons’ evidenced by professionals in a Common Assessment Framework (CAF) Form or Early Help Assessment
C: Children already in attendance at the nursery through the funded targeted 2 year old places scheme
D: Any other applicants, in order of straight line distance measured between home and the school
E: Applications received after the closing date ordered by the criteria detailed at A to D above
Note: categories A to D refer to applications received by the closing date.