Access controls in Stockport

Access controls, also known as access barriers, are a common feature on paths, usually at an entrance point to a park or off-road route.

An access control measures policy statement was approved by cabinet in December 2022 and we have been working to improve the access controls on our network of off-road paths.

The access control policy statement aims to:

  • provide an approach to balance the issues that have been raised regarding accessibility along the borough’s walking and cycling routes, with the need to protect residents from the negative impact of anti-social behaviour including illegitimate usage of routes
  • highlight current access controls at a range of locations and path types, including public rights of way, cycle paths, shared pedestrian and cycle paths and segregated routes

We're making improvements to the access control network:

  • when maintenance is taking place
  • when new projectes or schemes happen in places where controls already exist
  • as part of the access control review project

Access controls

Lapwing Lane, Brinnington. Before and after changes to the access control.