Why we have the Local Plan

An up to date Local Plan will:

  • make sure Stockport has the right land, homes and infrastructure in the right places, for current and future generations
  • help address the key issues facing the borough such as the climate emergency
  • identify those places and sites where change and development can best be accommodated
  • set out the factors we need to take into account when considering development proposals
  • help us plan for development in a coordinated way whilst protecting what we value most in Stockport such as our environment, community and heritage assets

If we do not have the right plan in place for Stockport, there could be risks to the council and our communities such as:

  • a reduced ability to make sure we get the right development in the right places
  • the potential for planning appeals where decisions about what is right for Stockport are taken out of our hands
  • not being able to get contributions from developers towards improvements in the local area
  • lack of certainty for both the public and private sectors
  • reduced confidence in Stockport as a place to build new homes or invest in new businesses or services

The Stockport Local Plan is informed and shaped by: